Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Session

The Session

I never knew what I was getting in to that night you offered yourself to me. You were kneeling in front of me palms up holding a riding crop. That first night I put my first marks on your smooth skin making you my slave/pet and making myself your Master.
That seems like a life time ago. Now you’re suspended from the ceiling with ropes tied to your wrists. Ropes attached to your ankles spread your beautiful legs. A blind fold covers your eyes. Your breasts, legs, and ass your entire body stretched and exposed to be used as I see fit.
We have had many sessions before, but this is the first time like this. You shiver from the cool air and from the anticipation. You hang there for what seems like hours but in reality it has only been minutes. You mind is racing trying to think of what you might have done. Your imagination is running wild thinking about what I will do to you. You are scared and excited your juices cling to your pussy lips like dew drops on a rose petal.
You jump when you hear the door open. Your head turns to the sound of my footsteps. You body betrays you I see you tremble with excitement. I walk up to you and make a show of checking the ropes securing you. Smiling I already know I did a good job. I roughly bring my hand down your arm across your chest. You moan as I grab your right breast and squeeze. I continue down your stomach around to your back. You let out a yelp as I slap your ass leaving a bright red hand print. I cup your pussy roughly with my leathery hand. I rub your sex hard abusing your poor pussy. You are moaning from the pleasure till I slap your pussy causing you to gasp.
I finely speak. I tell you that you have been a good pet (for the most part). None of your shall we say transgressions by themselves deserve punishment. But because I have been busy with family business and “Real World” work, I have neglected your training. I have also seen the longing look in your eyes as you see other pets with marks on them. That is why I have you here now. For two things, 1: to reemphasize that I am the master and your only master 2: to reword with some marks to show off.
I can’t help but to smile as I take off the blindfold and see your beautiful eyes. I kiss you softly on your full lips and walk around you. I place the blindfold on the bench behind you and pick up the crop that you gave as a gift that fateful night. I smile as I take note that you are suppressing the urge to look over your shoulders at me. I swing the crop. You tense when you hear the swish expecting contact but there is none.
You moan again as I slide the tip of the crop up your leg to your ass up your back and over to your breasts. I rub it on your pussy. Swish smack I hit your wet pussy. OW FUCK you yell trying to close your legs. The immediately say sorry master and lower your eyes. I walk over to the bench and come back with your ball gag. You open your mouth as far as you can. I force the ball farther in your mouth. It forces your mouth open painfully wide. You mouth is so wide that you have trouble swallowing.
I stand before you again smiling at my handy work. I caress your cheek lovingly. You look at me with fear in your eyes but I know you have nothing to fear. I know what is in store for you. I know that you body betrays you because you truly yarn for what I about to do.
I start to lightly tap your inner thighs. Your legs twitch as I alternate from one side to the other. You moan from the sting as your skin turns from pink to a nice shade of red. Your moaning gets lauder as a turn my swings up and my attention to your swollen clit. Tapping it gently your legs twitch as they try to close. When your lips are nice red and tender I turn my attention to your stomach.
Your body shines as you begin to perspire. You hit your stomach with the riding crop. The miscues show as you flex with each impact. I continue till it is as red as your legs and your tender pussy. I move up to your breasts. I gently hit the underside then the top of both breasts. The gag keeps you from yelling as on vicious swing hits your left nipple then the right. The entire front of your body is glowing bright red and your breathing is short and quick. I touch your feeling the heat from your skin. Sheen of sweat now covers your body making it glow.
I continue to caress your body as I move behind you. I press my body to yours as I cup your full breasts. You moan as I pinch your stiff tender nipples. You whimper as I pull on them pinching them tighter rolling them between my fingers. You push back to me wanting me to pleasure you but I move back. No not yet my Sweet. Smack I leave a large hand print covering your entire right ass cheek. My hand stings from the impact. Your eyes go wide from the pain.
I go over to the bench once again and pick up the flail. Now that you’re wormed up we can begin. I swing the flail teasingly against your back barely making any contact two maybe 5 times turning your skin pink. Then swish smack you groan as I hit you hard around your shoulder blades. I caress your back as 6 wide welts appear. Smack smack smack I randomly hit you. Welts now crisscross your back from your shoulders to the curve at the top of your ass. Your body jumps with every impact. I run my hands over your back feeling the welts grow under my touch.
You are panting now. Your breath is coming in gasps. I go over to the bench and come back with the thin Cain. You jump as I run it across your ass. Then try to scream as I you feel it impact with the perfect unmarked skin. The ugly red welt appears instantly. I run my hand across your ass admiring my handy work as I let you catch your breath. Then without warning I continue the caning of your ass. You through your head back trying to scream out in pain but all that is herd is gurgling from around the gag. Your body quakes and you strain at the ropes that bind you when I make contact with your already abused pussy 4 times. Saliva drips from your mouth to the floor as your head slumps when I stop to let you rest. You’re breathing returns to normal.
I take this time to undress. You hear me walk up behind you. You whimper as the length of my hard cock makes contact with your tender wet abused pussy lips. Your juices cover your lips coating your thighs. You push back as I slide my cock back and forth between your legs.
I bend my knees and with one smooth thrust I enter you from behind. I hold still letting you get accustom to the size of my cock in your cunt. Your pussy fits around my cock like a velvet glove. Then I grab your tits, I use them for leverage as I begin to slowly slide my cock out of your pussy. I stop when just the tip is in you. Then I pull you back as I slam in to your so hard it takes your breath away. I continue to slam in to you harder and harder abusing your sore pussy. Don’t you dare cum I groan in your ear. You moan and whimper as a grab your hips and continue to use your pussy. My balls slap against your throbbing clit. Uh uh the pressure is too much I grown loudly as I shoot my cum deep in to your pussy. I continue to thrust as order you to cum. You moan in to the gag as your orgasm over takes you. Your body shakes as your juices flow down your thighs. We both are panting and you moan in protest as I pull out.
I walk to the bench and bring back a 9 inch long 4 inch in diameter vibrating dildo. I don’t have too much trouble working it in to your well lubed pussy. The vibrating nub pushed against your sensitive clit. I select another toy to use on you. I hear a faint hum as I choose the middle setting on your dildo and turn it on. You close your eyes and hump the air as the pleasure takes over. Go ahead and cum as you need my pet I say you’ve been good.
The 6 foot bull whip wraps around your body the tip impacts with your nipple. Your eyes snap open from the unexpected pain. Your mouth opens farther in a silent scream. The muffled sound finely escapes from around the gag on the second impact. You succumb to the pleasure of the dildo vibrating and the agonizing pain of the bull whip and have another earth shaking orgasm. Your body shakes as I turn the dildo to high and continue the beating. The muscles in my arm burn as I continue to expertly move the whip up and down your body. I hit your tits, nipples, thighs and your pussy. I continue till you cum 3 more times.
I don’t know how long it was or how many strokes when I stop. We are both breathing hard. Sweat is covering your limp body. Your body slumps to the floor as I release the ropes. You smile and snuggle in to my chest as I lift you in to my loving arms. I’m very proud of you my Sweet I knew you could do it. I know how close you were but you took it. I carry you to the king size bed and lie you down. I get in to bed next to you and you place your head on my shoulder. You doze off as I caress your long black hair your skin twitching in your sleep. I slide out from underneath you and dress. Quietly I walk across the floor and out the door. Logging out if the RLC and to the “real” world yearning for when the time will come and we can be together again.

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