Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hers for ever

Hers For Ever

I see her everywhere I go. When I’m in the transfer center talking to friends, or if I’m at Temptations dancing with a date I see her. I even see her when I’m at Jokers partying with my family. First it’s like I feel her there. Then I turn to face her and she smiles at me like she has been looking at me the whole time. Her skin is like polished ivory. Her hair depending on how the light hits it is black as the night, some times it’s more fiery coal. Your rose red lips seem to beacon me to kiss them and savor the sweet taste. Her eyes are as blue as pure glacier ice but I feel them burning hole to my sole when she looks at me. She is always dressed in the most expensive custom made outfits. They are reveling but hide just enough to leave you wanting to see more. Her body rivals that of Venus the Goddess of Love. She is the object of every mans desires.

After a week of playing cat and mouse I gather the courage to approach her. I bow politely and introduce myself. Hello my name is Michael. Her perfect lips curve in to a smile. Hello I am Antoinette Velasco she says in a voice that is so soft yet so commanding that you would be able to hear her from across the room without her having to raise her voice. Her voice has the purr of a content cat. I suddenly feel self conscious and out of my league. Tonight she is wearing a form fitting ankle length dress that is a black to match her hair. It has a low collar to accentuate her beautifully long neck. The V plunging down past her firm full breasts do to just below her navel in which is place a ruby redder then I have ever seen. The slit goes up to her left hip giving you the glimpse of her shapely leg as she walks. She looks you over and purrs approvingly.
“I’ve see you around” I say,” You seem to be everywhere I go.” I say as I look in to her hypnotic eyes trying to be the gentile man and not look lower then her neck. I was wandering if you would like to go dance with me. She smiles and says that would be perfect fallow me and she walks toward the door. She walks so smooth it’s almost as if she were floating. Its dark out and the streets are lit but the street lamps. I relies that I have never see her in the daylight. People are standing and sitting in the park talking and having fun. All conversations stop as we walk by. All eyes are on her. We stop at a door that I have never seen before she knocks and the door swings open. The sign above the door reads Tatarus. As we enter she tells me that this club is named after a town in Romania. We walk down a corridor in to a Casernes room. There are props of various tortures all around with entertainers on them. They look like they are tied and others seem to pretending to whip them. There is a dance floor in the middle and stairs going up to a second level with another dance floor. There seems to be two other levels with people sitting in couches watching the action on the dance floors. There are no visible stairs and I can’t help wonder how they get up there.

We have some drinks she has the darkest red wine I have ever seen for me it’s just beer. We watch the dance floor as we drink. I notice that there are a lot of Goths here. We give each other flirtations glances. She takes my glass and sets it down on the bar. She takes me by the hand leading me to a corner of the dance floor. Her movements are like fluid as she moves to the music. I feel awkward as I’m entranced by her beauty. She moves so close I can smell her perfume. I breathe deep and tell her that I love the smell of vanilla. She smiles and she says I know. I take her in my arms and we sway to the music. I pull her so close that our bodies become one. Her breasts pressed to my chest. Her hands are stroking my hair that is held back in a pony tale. My hands are resting on her perfect ass. I look in to her eyes and am compelled to kiss her. My head swims as I lean down. The room spins as my lips touch her soft sensual lips everything goes dark.

I awake and I’m unable to move. My eyes slowly open. I’m thinking that I have never passed out from only one beer before. When I get my eyes fully open. I find myself in the middle of a bed striped naked and strapped down secured to the four bed posts. I look around. The walls are covered with black velvet. Moon light shines in through the floor to ceiling windows. The room is lit by 100s of lit candles causing flickering shadows to be cast on the walls. She enters the room with the confidence of a woman worthy to be called a goddess. She is dressed in a red leather bra and matching thong. I can see no visible tan lines on her perfect pale body.

Trying not to show my fear I demand to be let go. She takes a deep breath and smiles as if she can smell my fear. Not till I’m through with you she announces. Tonight I will give you the most pleasure you have ever felt. Tonight all other pleasure will pale in comparison. As she says this she rakes my inner thigh with her red nails leaving tracks up just short of my crotch. Her eyes sparkle in the candle light as she sees me stifle a low moan. My body lets me down as my flaccid dick starts to twitch. Her smile broadens as she sees my eyes close when she takes my balls in her hand and gives them a little squeeze. Her other hand is caressing my upper body her silky smooth skin feels fantastic against mine. A moan escapes my mouth as she gently pinches my nipple. My cock is now awake and fully erect she nods in appreciation of her handy work. She reaches back and lets her bra fall to the ground reliving her fantastic full round breasts. She turns so that I can see her wonderful ass as she bends over to remove her thong. My cock feels like it’s ready to explode.

She moves to the foot of the bed. She kisses my legs as she climbs on to the bed. Crawling up like a cat she kisses and cresses my legs my inner thigh up to my rock hard cock. She licks up the shaft and massages my balls. She licks up to the tip and takes it between her red lips. Slowly lowering her head down till her nose touches my pubic hair. Then she moans sending shivers of pleasure down my cock and up my spine. She then slowly raises her head up till just the tip is between her lips and then lowers down again. I moan and stain against my restraints trying to grab her head and fuck her mouth. This continues for what seems like an eternity her sucking and stroking. Then she suddenly stops and teasingly looks at me as I moan in annoyance. She crawls the rest of the way up my body and slowly lowers her shaved pussy to my face. The moister clings to her lips like the morning dew to a rose petal. I know what is expected of me and I stick my tong out and taste her sweetness. I lick her pussy lips up then down. Avoiding her clit I smile as she groins with frustration. I smile to myself thinking two can play at this game. She pushes down as I fuck her with my tong.

The every so softly I touch her clit with the tip of my tong, she gasps with shock and pleasure. She humps my face as I lick faster and faster. I gently bite her clit causing her to softly cry out with pleasure. Suddenly she is off my face facing me hovering over my raging hard cock. Slowly like torture she lowers her hot dripping wet pussy on to my cock. We both moan like one from the pleasure. She stops when she is completely impaled. Then painfully slow she starts to slide up and down. Her eyes locked on mine. As her juices coat my cock and the inside of her thighs she begins to quicken the pace. I try to thrust in to her with what little movement I have. I want to grab her by her hips and slam in to her.

She is riding faster and faster as if she is riding a horse in a race, a race that ends in ecstasy. I can feel the pressure in my balls building. She closes her eyes as her pussy tightens it grip on my cock. She fondles her tits with one hand and my balls with the other. Our breath quickens and gets shorter we are both gasping for air. She bends over and kisses me and I feel the sharpness of her teeth on my tong. Her pussy tightens in a vise like grip and her body begins to shutter in orgasm. This brings me to my explosion. As if she since it she bites my neck I feel a sharp pain as her teeth pierce the skin. My body convulses with the pleasure of the most mind rocking orgasm ever.

Suddenly she is off me and my arms and legs are free. I lay there drained of most of my blood. Not dead but no longer alive. She stands there the moon light shining on her pail sweat covered body looking down on me. She smiles now showing her needle sharp fangs for the first time. She watches me as the hunger in my belly begins to grow. She smiles knowing that I am now hers. Hers for ever

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