Wednesday, July 15, 2009

End of a long day

The End of a Long Day
It’s been a long day, the end of a long week. I dragging my ass as I slowly walk up the drive to the house. I take a look around and notice that there are no cars at home. I don’t hear the dogs barking as I notice the flickering of candle light through the window.
I open the door and see that the living and dining rooms are aglow with hundreds of candles. You call hello you answer back and tell me to us our bathroom to wash up and change. I go to the bedroom and see that it is lit by two large candles on either side of the bed. After cleaning up and changing you walk back to the dining room to find you standing there in lace and satin negligee. You tell me to sit then you sit in my lap and wiggle down to my rising budge in my pants.
I caress your thigh as you feed me the delicious T-bone steak. The sautéed mushrooms smothered in butter and garlic are to die for. You feed me the roasted garlic mashed potatoes. I slide my hand higher till I can feel the heat from your crotch. For desert you have the fondue pot with chocolate and fresh strawberries.
I run my finger up the crotch of your panties as you dip as strawberry in the chocolate. It drips on your chest as you bring it to my mouth. Your juices seep through your panties as you continue to feed me and I continue to rub your crotch. I lick and suck the chocolate of your chest and breasts. I take your top off and drip more chocolate on you and lick it off. You are grinding in to my raging hard on.
I lift and sit you on the table. I massage your breasts as I kiss you deeply. Our tongues dance in your mouth. You suck in my tongue biting it slightly. We both moan with desire. You lift your ass up as I slide your panties off. I kiss my way down your body sucking on your tits and biting your nipples. You lie down as I kiss my way down your flat tummy. I kiss and nibble down your left leg, then your right leg. I brush your public hair with my nose.
You reach down and spread your lips begging me to lick you. You gasp as I touch you with the tip of my tongue. I lick your cunt up and down pushing my tongue in as far as I can. You moan as I fuck you with my tongue covering your cunt with my mouth. You jump when I finally tough your clit. You moan as I gently lick it. I flick it up and down back and forth. I take it in my teeth and gently bite down and lick the tip of your clit. You now so wet that I can easily slide two fingers in you. I suck on your clit as I fuck you with my fingers. Sliding them in and out faster and faster, I suck your clit in and out scrapping it with my teeth. Your body shakes and you scream as you have an earth shattering orgasm.
I have my pants down and my cock in your cunt before you can catch your breath. You gasp as in enter you with one hard thrust. I stand still letting you get used to me inside of you. Slowly I begin to thrust. I pull out till just the head of my cock in inside of you then firmly thrusting in again. In then out in out faster harder. The table is moving with every thrust. I’m holding your hips pulling you to me as I slam in to you. My balls are slapping against your ass. Your tits are bouncing with every thrust. You are clawing my chest. The pressure is building more and more I can barely stand it. We lock eyes groaning in pleasure. I grit my teeth. We gasp groan hell louder louder we scream as I we both have such a hard orgasm it almost hurts
I collapse on top of you gasping for air. When your breath and heart beats finely return to normal I lift you. I carry you in to the bed room and lay you on the bed. I undress and climb in to the bed next to you. You snuggle up to me laying your head on my chest and we both fall in to a happy sleep.

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