Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Her Pleasure

Her Pleasure
You hang suspended from the sealing your feet barley touching the floor. A spreader bar is attached to your ankles’ keeping your legs apart. We have agreed on your safe word for the session and no gag will be used. I worn you one last time that this will be in intense and you can quit at any time but your endurance will be reworded.
Your eyes fallow my every move as I finish my preparations, you don’t know what to expect. The anticipation excites you. Your scared but the glisining wetness between your legs betrays you I know how excited you have become. Smiling I walk up to your helpless body. I am as nude as you are and my hard cock bobs up and down as I walk. Your eyes widen when I show you two nipple claps as I attach them to there rightful place one on each nipple. You moan as I tighten the them bringing one tear of pain to your cheek. I rub your clit feeling your wetness as it gets even harder. You almost cry out as I attach a third clamp to your already throbbing clit.
Your eyes are closed in sweet agony and your juices are making your thighs shine in the soft candle light. You don’t see me walk back to you. You jump at my touch. I start to caress you with a soft fur glove. A moan of pleasure escapes your lips as I run my hand all over your body. Across your tits and tortured nipples. Down your flat stomach around to your firm ass. Down your shapely legs and back up to your neck. You struggle against the chains the hold you. You beg me for release I just smile and whisper “just wait my dear”. I then bring a bottle of worm oil over and pour it all over your body. It trickles between your breasts down your front. Down your back between your ass cheeks dripping from your pussy lips to a puddle on the floor. I begin to massage the oil in spreading it to the places it didn’t reach. Running my hands up and down your legs, across your hot pussy between your ass cheeks. I insert one well oiled finger in to your ass you moan and try to push back but you bonds hold you tight. I finger fuck your sweet ass with two then three fingers. To you it feels like an eternity but it has only been mere minutes. You whimper as I remove my fingers from your stretched ass and walk away.
You hear my footsteps behind you. Your eyes widen in fear as you feel the pressure of a huge dildo being pressed against your ass hole. I tell you to relax. Soon the well lubed dildo is buried in you stressing you farther then you have ever been stretched. Your breathing hard from the pain and the pleasure. You moan loudly when a second monster dildo is inserted in to your dripping cunt. Your body shakes uncontrollable as you have your first incredible orgasm of the night. Your pussy and ass are now full. You have never felt like this before.
What you didn’t know and are now finding out is that the dildo in your as is inflatable. You want to cry out as it enlarges as I pump the ball. You are almost to your limit you want to say the word. But the need to fell the pleasure it greater. Take deep breaths I tell you as the inflatable dildo grows to twice then three times its original size.
You jump when I turn the vibrator in your pussy on to its lowest setting. Your hips involuntary hump the air. Your eyes are closed. You gasp for air as you have another small orgasm. Then your ass starts to vibrate too. I begin to fuck your pussy with the vibrator sliding it in and out slowly. I star tot go faster and faster harder slamming it in and out of your helpless pussy. A mind blowing orgasm getting closer and closer. You want to grab me but you can’t. I sense that you are near. You curse me when I stop and remove the vibrator from your pussy.
I insert a special angled vibrator that makes contact with your G spot. You moan uncontrollably when I turn it on. The vibrator sends waves of pleasure through out our body sintered from your pussy. Your body shakes uncontrollably as the pressure builds. You start to have orgasms one after another building in intensity. On after another. Stronger and stronger, you feel like your going to lose your mind. You hear a scream and you relies that its you screaming in ecstasy your juices spraying from your abuse pussy covering my hand. The chains rattle as your body fights your bonds. Your limp body twitches as I turn off the vibrators, and remove then from your ass and cunt. You slump to the ground as I gently lower you down.
One word, spider escapes your lips as I lift you. I tell you how proud I am of you as I carry you to your bed and tuck you in. I kiss you on the forehead as you fall in to a deep sleep. I turn off the light as I leave you in peace to rest.

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