Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Submition

The Submition

Dave was what you would call cocky. Hey was handsome, strong, rich, good in bed, and he knew it He likes to hang out in Club Ravens and flirt with the doms that would frequent the club. When one would inquire if he was looking for a mistress, you can boss me you can beat me but you will never make me summit and you will never dominate me he would answer.
Dave would flirt with one dom more then the rest. Her name was Sarah. She wasn’t as tall as the other doms, but she had an air about her that commanded respect form all other doms and all subs. This intrigued Dave. Sarah was about 5’5” slender but muscular. Her black hair was always pulled back in to a braid. She wore 6’ thigh high boots with outfits that would keep her covered but would have every one wanting more.
Dave knew that Sarah had no interest in men but he could not keep from flirting with her. All Sarah would do is smile and tell him no.
One night Sarah was wearing a thong with chaps and a top that barely covered he full breasts. As she was leaving she walks up to Dave and says “I’m going to make you the luckiest man alive. Meet me out side in 10 minutes.” 12 minutes later Dave walked out of the club. Sarah was no where to be seen. He was about to go back in to the club when her hears a Harley pull up. He turns to see Sarah taking her helmet off. Your late she growled. Don’t ever let it happen again. Tossing him a helmet she told him to get on. “I don’t ride bitch” he tells her. He see the flames in her eyes as she says “This is your one and only chance don’t waist my time. Ether get on or get lost.” Dave quickly makes his mind up, puts the helmet on and climbs on behind Sarah.
Sarah reaches behind and unzips his pants, pulls out his cock and stokes it to hardness. When Dave is good and hard she lifts he ass up and sits down on his rock hard cock. Dave’s cock is trapped under her separated from her pussy by a thin piece of fabric. The vibration of the cycle starting sends chills up his balls. She shoves he ass back to his crotch as she hit’s the throttle and there’re off. The ride through the city is almost unbearable for Dave with all the twists and turns. The worst were the bumps.
After what seems like an eternity they pull in to the garage of a luxury high rise. She weaves her way to the back where an elevator door opens automatically. Sarah pulls right in and hit’s the only button and the doors close. Her hair free of its braid cascades around her shoulders when she takes her helmet of. I don’t like people knowing my business she tells Dave as he takes his helmet off. So I had this private entrance installed.
The car stops moving and the doors open to reveal a beautiful modern decorated penthouse. The walls were painted to resemble the walls of a castle. Sarah guides Dave by the cock down a hall to a room with a table against the wall. There is a petite blond nude girl there. She is kneeling legs spread, shoulders back hands on her thighs turned up. Her eyes looking at the floor in front of her. You will undress fold your cloths ant place them on the table. Mel will instruct you how you are to fold them. When your done go through that door and I will be with you shortly. Dave tried to make conversation with Mel but she just silently showed him how to fold and stow his cloths stealing glances at his now semi hard cock. When they were done Mel led Dave through the door that Sarah indicated.
The room was 20 feet by 20 feet with 12’ ceilings. The walls were covered with red velvet. In the middle of the room were two giant pillars going from floor to ceiling. To the top and bottom of the pillars are pulleys with ropes. On the wall next to the door is a table covered with a black cloth. Mel leads Dave to the middle of the room where two red heads just as hot as Mel help secure Dave to the pillars. The cuffs are secured to his wrists and his ankles. The ropes are pulled till hi its helpless spread eagle. Dave chuckles to him self. This could be fun he thinks to himself as he pulls on his restraints.
The door opens and Sarah enters. The girls who were securing David drop to the floor there knees spread. There chests are pushed out and there hands are on the shapely thighs palms up. Sarah is wearing a rubber cat suite with holes for her breasts and no crotch. She is wearing 4’red stilettos with straps that wrap around up to her knees. She walks up to David and smiles in approval. Nicely done girls she says as she runs her hands up and down David’s body. David closes his eyes the feel of her fingers brings his cock to attention. Sarah motions to the girls and they rise. Mmmmmm all my, um pets must be clean she purrs. As she says this David feels three pairs of hands on his body rubbing worm soap suds all over. His shoulders his ass in-between his cheeks and his rock hard cock. Then he feels the crape of a razor against his skin. His eyes snap open. Oh no worries all my pets must be clean shaven too. Ha Ha ok ill go along how bad can it be he says. A straight razor appears in Sarah’s hand. No fucking way David exclaims! Sarah pats his cheek gently. Now dear watch your language. Just don’t move and you’ll be ok. She gracefully moves the blade removing all hair from David’s crotch. When all the hair is removed from his body three sets of hands begin to spread worm oil all over his body. The hands leave and he opens his eyes to see Sarah standing in front of him Mel kneeling at her feet. Mel suck his cock she says. Mel here has shall we say a gift she is able to tell when a person is about to cum. Mel takes the tip of his cock in his mouth and humms sending shivers up David’s cock to his balls. David moans as Mel slides her lips down his cock. He watches as the two red heads help Sarah put on a strap on. They rub some oil on the fake cock. Sarah then with one slow stroke impales Mel who just moans and continues to masterfully suck his cock. Mels job is to make sure you do not cum before she does. She knows that if she fails punishment will be swift and savear. Sarah fucks Mel pushing her face in to David’s bald crotch with every thrust. David looks Sarah in the eyes. He is enjoying the feeling and the show. He begins to feel that fumilure feeling in his balls, and as if she senses it Mel stops sucking and presses at the base of his cock till the feeling subsides. Then she continues sucking his cock. Sarah just smiles and continues to slam in to Mels pussy.
This happens three more times and David moans from frustration. After the third time Mel takes his cock out of her mouth and moans and trembles as her juices flow out of her pussy down her legs. David smiles thinking that it is his turn now. But his smile soon fades as Sarah hands the strap on to Mel who walks away on rubbery legs.
Sarah takes his painfully hard cock in her hand and gives it a squeeze. How are you holding up my pet. David moans and says just fine thank you. What’s next? Just as he says this he feels two hands secure a belt around his waist and one of the red heads hands her mistress two leather straps. The ties them to the belt. Now I don’t think you will b able to last as long as I need you to. So this is to help you. In time you will be able to keep from Cumming for as long as I need you to. This will be a little uncomfortable. She takes the straps down to either side of David’s cock and crosses them underneath behind his ball sack. She brings them over the top and crosses them again. Bringing them back down under his balls separating and lifting them crosses them there and brings them up in front of his balls. Crossing them one last time she brings them between his legs putting downward pressure on his cock. She ties them to the back of the belt. David doesn’t show any discomfort but Sarah smiles knowingly.
Mel brings her mistress what looks like a cock with straps. Open your mouth Sarah commands him. No way bitch!!! His head snaps back from the force of the slap. His face burns from the contact. Hatred in his eyes as she tell him. “non compliance is not an option punishment will be swift and severe. You are my property now. Open your mouth.” David hesitates for a second. Hatred burns from his eyes as she puts the gag in his mouth. It stretches his gnaws and pushes to the back of his throat. No far enough to gag him or to restrict his breathing. His eyes widen and he shakes his head even a red head brings a hug dildo. He tries to speak his protest as Sarah slaps slides it in to his ass. It will be easer on you if you just relax its going in whether you want it to or not. Soon the dildo is in his ass fully. David hangs his head in humiliation. Sarah pets his face where the red hand print is. Its ok my pet the first day is always the worst it will get easer. With these words she brings a rubber bulb up to his face. She gives it a squeeze and David’s head snaps up. The dildo inflates. Two three four six pumps till it is 3 times bigger and painfully stretching his ass hole.
A sex swing is lowered from the ceiling. Sarah sits in it and it raised even with David’s now throbbing cock. His balls are starting to get uncomfortable. She puts her legs around him and draws herself to him. Guiding her wet cunt to his cock. He slides in easily feeling her warmth envelope him. It feels like a worm glove surrounding his cock. She uses her legs to pull him in to her fucking her tight wet pussy. Soon she is slamming it to him his balls slapping against her. His swollen balls are getting painful. She moans and shakes forcing him to slam in to her with her legs. She sprays juices on his cock and down his legs.
She is lowered and helped out of the swing. David’s cock and balls are painfully in need of release.
David feels himself being lowered to a table. And is secured to it. Sarah sits on him trapping his cock under her. She rocks back and forth coating his cock with her pussy juices. Now David I have some girls that have been very good and you are going to b there reword. They can fuck you till they cum. She gets up and walks away. Mel is the first to enter. She climbs on him. Strokes already hard cock. Then guides it in to her pussy slowly sliding down till she is buried to the hilt. She starts to slowly ride him up and down. Picking up speed faster and faster. Every stroke shoving the dildo in to his ass. Bouncing and rubbing her clit. Harder and harder she starts to scream as she sprays her pussy juices on his cock and balls.
Another comes in and uses him in the same way. Then another, how many used him David cant remember.
Then covered with multiple women’s juices his is raised again. Sarah is before him again. Smiling she asks. Are you ready to submit? He slowly shakes his head yes. We are almost finished with the first part of your training. As she says this he feels the dildo deflate and be removed. A cream is spred on his sore ass hole. It is cool and numbing. A woman with a red satin robe enters. She is 6’ tall. David can see the swell of her breasts under the robe. They are not large but proportionate to her body.
This is my favorite pet. You are a gift to her. When you two are not doing my bidding you will do hers.
She has see you in the club and she likes you a lot. She is going to fuck you. I have been teasing her and not letting her cum for two weeks. She is very frustrated right now and might not be too gentle. Sarah’s lowers the robe to show her pets tits. May I introduce to you Michael, and the robe drops. David’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. No please no he tries to day but cant because of the gag. Michael is a she male Sarah tells him. A hug cock sticks out towards David. Michaels cock seems to get bigger as Sarah takes it in her hand and covers it with oil. Stroking it back and forth. Michaels eyes are locked on the David. Sarah guides Michael behind David. She guides the monster cock to his stretched ass hole. Michael presses forward and she slowly enters David’s virgin hole. He moans around the gag it seems almost imposable but his cock seems to get bigger. She is buried to the hilt her balls brush davits painful balls. She stops letting David get used to a cock in his ass. The she slowly draws her cock out till just the tip is in and slides it back in. David’s body betrays him as it pushes back to the monster cock.
Sarah smiles as she see this. Michael begins to fuck faster and faster. Sarah removes the gag from David’s mouth and he gasps with every thrust. David’s tortured cock and balls bobbling with every thrust. Michaels balls slapping David’s. Sarah’s walks up to David. Are you ready? She asks. Yes am ready please let me cum. Michael is slamming in to his ass now betting closer to her orgasm. Pleas what pet Sarah asks. Pleas Mistress let me cum please I beg you I will do any thing but please let me cum.
Sarah slides the straight blade under the leather straps. And just as Michael starts to spray her ho cum deep inside David’s tight ass she cuts the bonds that keep the blood in his cock. Returning the circulation. The blood rushing back is excruciating and Davis screams from pain and pleasure because he can now cum. His cum shoots out and hits Sarah in the flat tummy again and again. David screams with every contraction.
The red heads lower David to the ground and releases his bounds. David musters his last bit of straight. He kneels with his knees apart chest out head low. He has his hands in his thighs palms up. He says in a hushed voice. I am yours to command mistress I submit to you. I am your pet to do with as you wish.